Learn About QA-Deluxe and Centric Air
The cost to operate a whole house fan is just pennies an hour, making it one of the most energy efficient upgrades you can make to your Rancho Santa Margarita home.
Our whole house fans have also been certified to the California Energy Commission as meeting applicable energy efficiency standards. The quality of our whole house fans is second to none and is the reason they've been called "The Mercedes of whole house fans at the price of a VW."
Contact Comfort Cool Fans if you'd like to learn more about our QA-Deluxe and Centric Air whole house fans or about our fan installation services. Our friendly staff is happy to assist you!
How Does A Whole House Fan Work?
A Whole House Fan (also known as a whole house ventilation system, whole house attic fan, or whole house exhaust fan) is a simple & inexpensive method for cooling a home anytime the outdoor air temperature is cooler than inside.
It's an energy-efficient way to get rid of the heat buildup from the entire building structure. During a hot day the outside of the house (roof, walls, etc.) absorbs and retains a lot of heat. Until the heat dissipates, it will continue to radiate into the living space causing the air inside the house to heat up.
By running your whole house fan during the evening and at night, you're not only removing the hot stale air inside the home but also cooling the entire building structure so your air conditioner doesn't have to run or run so hard to eliminate the heat.
What Size Whole House Fan Should You Purchase?
Comfort Cool Fans recommends to consider purchasing the largest whole house fan your home has the attic ventilation for. It's very likely, for example, that a 2200 sq. ft. two story home will have sufficient attic ventilation for our 2.7 model which requires about 3.25 sq. ft. of net free attic ventilation.
However, if this same size home has enough ventilation for our 3.4 model which requires 4.0 sq. ft. of net free attic ventilation, this may be worth considering since it's only slightly more expensive and will cool your home even faster. We do not, however, recommend adding additional roof ventilation just to go with a large system.
Why Are Centric Air Fans Better?
Unlike other whole house fans that use open faced motors with exposed electrical windings and unbalanced fan blades, Our systems use a German engineered fan motor that provides 30% more power and uses 1/3 less energy than other industry standard fans.
These high efficient fans are rated for 40,000 hours of operation and are made of composite materials with wing tip design for increased performance and efficiency, while reducing noise up to 3 decibels allowing you to sleep while it runs.
Included with the system is an industrial grade gravity-fed backdraft damper, sound absorbing acoustical ductwork, custom high-airflow grill, and remote control. Also available with select systems is our exclusive two-speed remote control and timer with easy to read LED display.
Get a Free Consultation on Whole House Fans for Your Orange County Home!